Adoro cada gesto dele, cada toque milimetricamente planejado por esta mente que as vezes é um doce e em outras se mostra tão pevertidadamente ousado, sentir aquele cheiro incomum que fixa em mim .Adoro o quão forte ele abraça-me, o quão profundamente seu olhar penetra no meu, seus sussuros no meu ouvido, o jeito com que ele descobre os meus pontos fracos.A como ele me seduz, te um charme...
que nem ele sabe que possues, que me fascina, alucina...Ah! Como é bom sentir aquela mão com o toque suave deslizar por sobre minha face (delírio meu)
são tão poucos momentos, mas são tão unicos, esse garoto me tem e não tem jeito.
I love his every gesture, every touch millimeter planned for this mind that sometimes it is a sweet and others are shown as bold, unusual smell feel that laying on me. I love how strong he hugs me, how deeply his gaze penetrates my, your whispers in my ear, the way he discovers my weaknesses. a as he seduces you a charm ...
nor did he know that they have, what fascinates me, hallucinates ... Ah! how good it feltthat hand with the soft touch slide down over my face (my delight)
are so few moments, but they are so unique, and this kid got me no way. "
I love his every gesture, every touch millimeter planned for this mind that sometimes it is a sweet and others are shown as bold, unusual smell feel that laying on me. I love how strong he hugs me, how deeply his gaze penetrates my, your whispers in my ear, the way he discovers my weaknesses. a as he seduces you a charm ...
nor did he know that they have, what fascinates me, hallucinates ... Ah! how good it feltthat hand with the soft touch slide down over my face (my delight)
are so few moments, but they are so unique, and this kid got me no way. "